Join parents worldwide who use The Pea That Was Me as a way to begin the on-going conversation about donors–reading and re-reading its extremely positive message about how much they were wanted by their parents and how lucky they were to find such a wonderful “helper.”
A touching children’s egg donor story about a happy couple of rabbits, Pally and Comet, who have everything in life except a baby bunny, you accompany them in their longing for this child, the waiting and the moment the mother is informed she has no eggs to conceive.
The Kangaroo Pouch is designed to act not only as a conversation starter, but also as a “how-to” manual for children to refer to throughout the surrogacy journey. The book has been reviewed by child specialists to ensure that it conveys age-appropriate messages.
The Very Kind Koala is a charming picture book for young children which provides an introduction to surrogacy through the simple story of a koala bear and her husband who needed the help of a very kind koala to carry their baby in her pouch. Parents can begin reading this story to children as young as 3 years of age to begin the dialog about their own helpful surrogate.